Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Cup (and my plate) Runneth Over

Runneth?  Of course there is a red squiggly line underneath that word.  Runneth. It is kind of an old fashioned word, which  I had to investigate to make sure I was spelling and using correctly.  I make up words a lot so I wanted to make sure it, in fact. was a word.  Well it is and I really only saw it used in the phrase which I am borrowing as my blog title.  I suppose we can use it in everyday life- "I had to runneth to the mall."   " I have a runneth in my pantyhose?"  Do people still wear those?  Runneth- Doesn't quite work, but then again, I am using words in my every day life that I never used before- words like BLOG, GAGA, COOPER and now since five weeks ago, RORY!!!

The last ones are the major reason for my the fact that my CUP is RUNNETH way, way over, in fact I believe it has SPILLETH all over the place.  It was only five weeks ago that I became a grandmother ...Gaga,,,again.  Rory Lee Ann was born, a little peanut of a thing, but because she was a c-section, she was scheduled early.  I reassured my daughter that the weird feeling of planning the day your  second baby is born, is somewhat normal. It is, I guess, because your first one just kind of came when they were ready.  I remember feeling the same way as I sat in the hospital the night before my son was born. I remember praying that my water would break so I would be sure I picked the right day to have a baby.  It is a feeling only c-section moms would understand. Nevertheless, the world got a little sweeter on that Monday when that baby girl...grandchild number two, made her debut, sure to give her big brother a run for his money.  Pure joy but also pure worry.  My baby girl was in there having a baby girl and it is- like I had quipped before-" an extra layer of worry".
Well Miss Rory had a little rocky start as she was not gaining weight - at least not enough.  So I walk in the hospital room to find my baby girl sobbing and worried and wanting to go home (because some Shidiot there gave her the wrong idea that would be going home when neither of them were really ready), and because  they were concerned .  My blood runneth cold.  Now let me fast forward to say that Rory is awesome...healthy and doing everything a five week old should be, she's eating, not just eating, chugging...chugging like her Gaga at Happy Hour, but for a while there...
I would sleep in the chair at the hospital, go to work, go get different clothes and go back and do it again. But that is just what you do when you're a mom.  But,in the meantime I hear from my mom- that she will come to the hospital to see the baby today because she has Chemo later in the week.  Yeah- that shit is still going on.  There was a time when things were better with her, but it seems like the pill weren't working (if she was taking them, that is) and now it's back to Chemo every three weeks.  My mom- or the woman that used to be my mom, seems to have given up or can't muster up a reason to make the most of the present, not realizing that it is just that- a present.
We will celebrate he 80th birthday soon and we will enter into another holiday season  but this year with a new precious love of our life- but she prefers to dwell on the fact the chemo makes her tired and there she sits and chain smokes.  Yeah chemo and chain smoke in the same obnoxious runneth -on sentence,
Then- I found out that my dad has to have cataract surgery. Not a biggie- but I insisted on going with him to the doctor only to learn that he has been seeing double for a while. Yep, seeing double and of course he still driving all over east Jesus but, hopefully stopping at all the STOP STOP signs he sees. What the Fuck???  Of course, this is just one of the many things they keep from me and my sister. They take our concern and  our suggestions as "bossy" and intrusive and don't let us in on everything.  My dad still kind of has it together, other than the whole seeing double thing and the fact that couldn't hear the fire truck siren from Mr Holland's Opus- he is pretty sharp,  He goes with my mom to her doctors and scans and chemo appointments.  He has all the paper work, that I sneak over to read. (I diverted them with some homemade soup). There was a box full of doctor reports.  They have their own version of HIPAA in that house.  I guess we are still kids in their eyes and won't accept our help.
But since Virginia Slims over there, was in no condition to take him to the doctor, I took the day off to go with him. It was kind of nice to be there for him, although I had to practically arm wrestled him to sign the health proxy so I can be alerted to his health needs etc.  He is the primary caretaker in that house- a role I know first hand that he is not very comfortable with.
 Looking forward - there will be more than a few days where my dad won't be able to do a whole lot-(like see). So that means I will be spending  quite a bit of time down in Tobacco Row, making sure she takes her medicine, making sure she has groceries, and clean clothes, making sure they eat, taking her to her doctors and maybe hiding her lighter!  Yikes-
I have been in this sandwich generation situation for a while but now it is starting to feel more like a fucking panini press.But it's okay-I know where to go to get my fix.. After that morning of the eye doctor day, I spent time with my daughter and her kids....kids!!!
On that same day of eye drops and surgery dates, I was changing the baby and told my precious granddaughter how beautiful she is and she smiled at me...an honest to goodness, non gas induced smile! I love that when she hears my voice- her eyes light up and she looks right into my eyes and we ...connect.  Pure LOVE- it takes my breath away.  Also on the day, I witnessed my grandson become a "double showcase winner"... his words.  He apparently watches The Price is Right before pre-school and he seriously came pretty fucking close to winning both of those showcases. He also informed us that "Humira is not for everyone".  He's gotta stop watching that station.  Most kids would be drooling over cartoons before school---not my boy- he can tell you how an AARP reverse  mortgage works. It was one of those bi -polar days.  It began with aggravation and concern and ended with laughter and joy.

Now when I looked up the Cup Runneth Over phrase- it eluded to the fact that I have more than my share.  I'll take it!  I do have way more than my share.  The good  for sure and sometime- in weaker moments, the bad too. I have always felt so extremely fortunate when it came to the family that I created and now, watching them all moving on to making their own little families, it is truly overwhelming,  The other crap- -well- what are you gonna do?
To quote my dad- "well you just gotta go with the flow".
To quote my grandmother- "if everyone went to Front Park with their problems  (to trade) they would all come back with their same old problems".
To quote Mel Brooks- "It could be worse- it could be raining"
So yeah, my plate is fulleth and my cup is way runneth over- but that's okay-eth,  Those are just words, some are old and some are made up, but the meaning is the same today.  As for the words that have just recently become a part of my lexicon- well up until a few years ago- a Cooper was a barrel maker- Rory was a character in a story my grandfather used to tell  and Gaga meant to be head over heels over something.   I guess that last one still rings true ....just sayin'

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